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Power in simplicity with StackForms


Give your users controlled access to your DevOps automation and reduce tickets by up to 70% in Cycloid’s self-service portal.


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What is StackForms? 

Take this typical use case: a developer wants to configure a new environment, but choosing variables and knowing permissions requires specialist knowledge - and often the help of your DevOps team. This slows down deployment and draws your team’s focus away from what’s important.

StackForms is a self-service portal that acts as the glue between your workloads, ensuring your services work end-to-end. Here’s an example: Cycloid deploys your compute and storage workloads where the end-user selects a landing zone, either through Cycloid asset inventory or using your cloud provider API. Additionally, it provides cost estimation, giving users visibility into the financial impact of their infrastructure choices. Infrastructure made easy and cost-effective!



Why Stackforms?

Efficiency at its core

Allow your end-users to serve themselves independently, without DevOps intervention.

  • Create environments without specialist knowledge
  • Improved UX for better developer experience
  • Validate end-user values with a regular expression for the best quality
environment configuration screenshot

Built-in governance

DevOps engineers have total control over permissions, values, Stacks and lists of variables or scenarios. 

  • Limit team members to approved tools and services
  • Estimate costs before deployment
  • Build option lists for dropdown, auto-complete, and radio buttons with external tools and API
estimate costs

Powerful tech behind simple design

The easy-to-use interface covers up the more complex “nuts and bolts” underneath.

  • Compatible with Terraform, Ansible and all major orchestration technologies
  • Wide range of widgets and variables
  • Conditional fields and dynamic values
  • Powerful validation rules
simplified stackforms

The latest in Stackforms

Want to see StackForms in action?
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