Cycloid for Head of DevOps
Perfect harmony between your product and dev team does exist - because we make it happen.
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The challenge

Flow. We know it’s what you’re aiming for. A wonderful place where your product marches forward and your teams are happy and productive. It’s not a figment of our imagination - it can be a reality. Even better, it can become your reality. You know the theory - ensure the natural flow of your product lifecycle by implementing DevOps best practices and a multi-cloud strategy, empower your teams, and encourage a true DevOps mindset. Now all you need to do is figure out how. May we suggest Cycloid? We think it’s going to be the answer to all your DevOps needs.
Release your team from internal tools, and leave them free to focus on what matters
Why Cycloid?
Easily implement a multi-cloud strategy
Multi-cloud is well and truly here. Cycloid is 100% designed to support your multi-cloud journey with ease, offering a variety of tools designed to make dealing with multiple cloud platforms as easy as dealing with just one. Our centralized control panel is a great start, as is your ability to create Stacks that allow you to share automation, especially application and config management automation, between clouds. When you combine these pre-automated Stacks with StackForms, you’ll see how even non-technical profiles can “self-serve” app deployment and management across multiple cloud platforms. Before you know it, your whole team will be multi-cloud savvy and productive.
Allow your teams to automate easily
Automation’s a hot topic, but have a think about how it really affects your team. It makes no sense to bog them down with repeated manual processes that sap mental power and open them up to mistakes and errors. That said, they’re also the best people to decide what should be automated and when. That’s why Cycloid is fully set up to help your techs automate as much as possible, as easily as possible. They’ll be able to choose what and how they can automate to ensure that it makes the most sense for your specific SDLC. Automation is what’s going to allow effortless scale, and it’s something you need to move on now if that exponential growth is really going to happen.

Maximize efficiency and flow
The key to overall efficiency is your ability to enable all members of your team to be as efficient as possible individually, even if they’re not in very technical roles. Cycloid does this with tools like StackForms and InfraView, allowing less technical and even non-technical team members to create, manage and edit your infrastructure and the services running on it. But don’t worry - this doesn’t mean that we’re letting them loose in the infra - instead, your ops will be able to pre-define their limitations and options, restricting choice to only the ones that make the most sense. This means that while your devs efficiently interact with the infra and its services, your ops can efficiently turn their attention to things that go beyond ticket handling and fire-fighting.

Bring value to your business while keeping your teams efficient and happy
Easy multi-cloud control
Take advantage of Cycloid’s multi-cloud automation and set your business in the best position to grow.
Automation-first mindset.
Make automation second nature for your devs - let your pipeline execute seamlessly in the background while your team focuses on what matters.
Maximized efficiency.
Help your team perform to the best of their potential in a supported, efficient environment.
You know you have great DevOps engineers - you probably picked them yourself. Now enable them to do the job they’ll do the best