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Cycloid for GreenOps


Less talking, more acting – manage your cloud carbon footprint and set your company on a greener path with Cycloid’s GreenOps module.


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greenops illustration

The challenge

cloud copyLack of true visibility into your cloud carbon emissions


cloud toolsDifficulty understanding the real impact of the numbers


save money iconLack of green initiatives in organizations

This might be obvious to note, but the cloud that hosts every company’s IT infrastructure is not a cloud at all, but a series of massive concrete buildings full of servers that need constant cooling and consume large amounts of electricity and water. As of 2022, cloud computing has overtaken the aviation industry in global CO2 emissions.

Unfortunately, carbon footprint data from cloud operations are often inconsistent, opaque, or simply unavailable. This doesn’t mean organizations can excuse themselves from making a change. It’s everyone’s job to make digital transformation sustainable and there is a way to make cloud emission data transparent and easy to understand – the time to act is NOW.


finops cloud control illustration

Emissions from cloud computing range from 2.5% to 3.7% of all global greenhouse gas emissions, which exceeds emissions from commercial flights (2.4%)

Our GreenOps & FinOps Features


Get insight into your cloud carbon footprint alongside FinOps data

True data transparency is the main roadblock to more sustainable cloud computing. Part of Cycloid’s mission is to make emissions data available at a glance, along with information on your cloud spending. That’s how we get FinOps + GreenOps – an approach that makes carbon footprint an integral part of your FinOps strategy. Cycloid’s Cloud Carbon Footprint feature is embedded within our Cloud Cost Management module and allows you to see carbon emissions data alongside your public and private cloud costs in a single-panel view.


Our Cloud Carbon Footprint feature can help you report on data related to scope 2 of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and help you prepare ESG reports.

the cloud cost management dashboard

Reduce cloud costs

Once you have the cloud computing emissions data, you can take steps toward reducing your cloud carbon footprint. At the end of the day, no matter how the servers are maintained, the less cloud you use, the better. We know that as a successful IT business, it’s impossible to turn it off – but there are instances where minimizing cloud overspending can make all the difference. Adopt a sobriety mindset and focus on consuming less and more efficiently – which will be great not only for the environment but also for your wallet.

Our GreenOps modules are available as a stand-alone solutions.

finops savings

Inspire green initiatives

Taking care of your cloud consumption carbon footprint can be the first step towards wider greener practices in your organization and even teams. Doing your part as an individual can often feel like a drop in the bucket – but a clear green company strategy supported by data can inspire your people to take on better, more environmentally-conscious behaviors. Lead your teams by example and adopt a non-negotiable stance on reducing your carbon footprint.


Read our Green IT infosheet →

table showing cloud spend by cloud provider

The cloud is the modern factory.


Life the Cycloid way


True control over your cloud

View precise cloud carbon emissions data in the same breath as your cloud costs.

Greener choices

improve visibility

Lead the green revolution in your org, motivate and empower people to make better decisions to reach sustainability goals.

Consume less, spend less

Reduce cloud overspending and save cash - and the environment.


Cloud-based organizations have an obligation to make more environmentally-conscious decisions and reduce their carbon footprint – and now they can.


Guardians of the Cloud

Join our heroes as they embark on a quest to uncover the truth about Cloud City and stop its citizens from destroying themselves before it's too late.

Happy reading!

Download as a PDF 

characters from cycloid's GreenOps comic
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