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TerraCognita - Infra-as-code migration made easy


Automatically create Terraform from manually-provisioned public cloud resources


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What is TerraCognita?


TerraCognita is our open-source “reverse” Terraform. It allows you to generate infra-as-code and/or terraform state files from your current public cloud infrastructure (Azure, AWS, GCP) or VMWare. If you’re still provisioning your cloud manually, you know it’s time to make the move to reproducible, error-free, and simple IaC. TerraCognita makes it possible.

How does it work?


It quickly and automatically creates Terraform from all of your manually-provisioned resources, allowing them to be easily replicated and managed by you and your cloud provider.

What's in it for you? 

“Reverse engineer” Terraform from manual infra

cloud illustration

Keep configuration drift in check

configuration illustration

Easily apply policies

policies illustration

Go further

Why stop at IaC when you can have it all?


TerraCognita’s big sister Infra Import not only transforms your manually provisioned infra, but also helps you reproduce it. With your new IaC you can automatically create service templates (Stacks) and generate .forms.yml files (StackForms) to easily manage and scale your automation.


More on Infra Import

image showing how to create a stack from infra import

TerraCognita or Infra Import - When should I upgrade?


Import Cloud Infra to IaC Terraform Configuration
Import Cloud infrastructure to a Terraform state
Push Terraform Configuration from Terracognita to your Git repository
Push a ready to use Stack with a pipeline to execute Terraform jobs
Automatically create a form to modify imported infrastructure parameters
Share Imported Infrastructure automation with your teams

Pricing & Support


TerraCognita is open source and completely free. Infra Import is one of our paid modules, visit our pricing page for more info.


There is no dedicated support for TerraCognita. For Infra Import, there is dedicated support and the level of support you receive depends on the package you opt for. 

Supported cloud providers

Coming soon...

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